Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Twin Flame and Twin Soul Summer Time Blues

Twin Flames Summer Time Blues

Feeling tired and sad in your Twin Relationship

So many of the Twin Couples and all those who are still trying hard to be a couple have the same problem right now: sadness and being tired of all the ups and downs.
You might ask yourself... will it ever really happen for me ?

It is true that you see and hear about so many cases where it seems that it is impossible, but sadly enough you don't hear enough of all the other Twin stories:
  • Stories of success and happiness.
  • Stories of final reunions that are amazing.
  • Stories of Twins who had to overcome the most painful obstacles but still succeeded and became one.
  • Stories of miraculous help from the Universe when it seemed hopeless.
  • Stories of the Runner returning and joining his/her Twin for the greatest union of all.
Over the years I have worked with hundreds of these kind of couples and have seen them reunite successfully. Many are too shy to share their story and would rather just live it, which is understandable after some of the hardship they have been through. I have seen couples come together from across the globe, traveling thousands of miles and leaving behind everything to be with their Twin.
You might think that every story has to be one of struggle and heart ship when you see some of the videos on YouTube. Not all are like that.
I would like to set the record straight about the failed reunions: there are more success stories than failures. Like with everything else in life, the Twin story is part of the journey and we decide where it will lead us: into the light or into a place of loneliness and despair.
You might say but we are not in control... I say you are ! The Universe guides you in the right direction, but it is up to you to walk your own path. You already know that the timing is the most important thing in the Twins reunion, so instead of worrying on when it will happen you should allow for it to happen naturally.
When manifesting, you have to let go after you manifest what it is you need, allowing the Universe to work its magic. Most of the things that seem important to you when you are struggling with being apart are most likely just things that are minor and would not cause any problem if you were together. It is the Ego telling you that he/she should be calling you more, telling you I love you more often and expressing the need to be together all the time. Just remember: even if your Twin does not do all the things you expect him/her to do all the time, it does not mean he or she is not feeling the pain and the love the same way you do.
All of the couples that I know personally and worked with told me that during the waiting period that they often doubted every little thing that was not exactly the way they felt it should be. Very often this silly doubt and the feeling of not being treated the way we should be treated by our Twin can be very damaging for both. Never forget that living in duality is still a big part of the uncertainty we are all experiencing all the time; don't let it get the best of you.
When you are feeling like there is no hope and you are ready to give up, try to find and read about all the success stories rather than watching another failed and bitter Twin story on YouTube. You have a choice of how you want to live your life, make it the very best choice and don't take second best as an alternative.
If you realize that your reunion is not possible at the present time, put it in the hands of the Universe and let it be until the timing is perfect. Even if you could force it, it would not be long before you would be right back to square one. So if you are feeling blue and sad this summer because you are still not with your Twin, try to envision how amazing it will be when you finally reunite, at the right time.
On a personal note, if you are in Florida and interested in a personal consultation or would like to attend one of my workshops please contact me.